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Richard and Missy Storm
25th Wedding Anniversy with Family and Friends
March 23, 2024
Jarrett Farm and Resort
A Message from Richard
This 25th anniversary celebration has caused me to think at length about how fortunate I am to have achieved the peace, acceptance affection and contentment that had eluded me for so many years. Missy believes in me. She likes me just the way I am, but she helps me to become a better person. She overlooks my shortcomings. She appreciates my sense of humor (definitely an acquired taste). She greets me each morning with a smile and a kiss, and she maintains that cheerfulness while we figure out life together—through triumph, tragedy, illness and whatever else comes our way. In our wedding vows, I promised to try never to let her down and never to let anything come between us. As long as I keep that in mind, I am certain that many more happy anniversaries will follow throughout our lives. I feel truly blessed.
A Message from Missy
Marrying in our 40s, meant that Richard and I had experienced very few “firsts” together: we’d had our children with someone else, even our first grands. We are very grateful for each of those children and would not change that “history” for anything. We’d purchased and furnished our first homes with someone else. We’d even lost precious parents with someone else. But neither of us had experienced the loving, supportive marriages that we’d thought we were entering into with those others, even though my first marriage had lasted 25 years.
Our marriage has been a true partnership from the beginning, where we both enjoy being together, both feel encouraged and supported. He is not even threatened by my independence! Our home is a haven for each of us, filled with love, affection, laughter, and, yes, a few tears, losses, and health scares. But we are in this together without ever any doubt that it would be so.
These 25 years passed quickly, being married to him has been beyond all I ever imagined. This anniversary was a confirmation and a celebration that the marriage we both had envisioned was possible…. with the right partner.
Richard is that right one; the answer to a very real prayer I uttered almost 26 years ago. He is the one my heart loves (Song of Solomon 3:4.) It IS possible…… WITH the RIGHT partner.
What better way to celebrate than to have cherished family and dear friends come together in a most beautiful setting and to be able to reflect on this journey. Life is good.
OK, did anyone think I could limit this to one or two paragraphs?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Have WE met? 😉🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Okemah, Ok
Member since Sep 2022
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Jerry Thank you for this beautiful documentation of our celebration We will cherish it forever Such a generous gift of your time and talent and I am thrilled to have it Love you
I was my pleasure. Thanks for having us!!!