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Jaiden Hardy
Hi, my name is Jaiden Hardy, and my parents are Clayton Hardy and Kimberly Whitaker. With his 13 brothers and sisters, my dad and late uncle were born and adopted in California and raised throughout Utah and Nevada. His parents owned several horse ranches, and they had several booming businesses! My mom was born in Florida and lived there until she moved to Oklahoma in High School. Her dad was a carnival worker and saved enough money to buy one ride at a time until he had a whole carnival, Sam’s Amusements, the carnival we get every year. He eventually sold it and retired back in Florida. We are still friends with the owners, and they even let us in for free which is cool! It is a joy to see the carnival, owners, and workers every year in my hometown of Okemah, Oklahoma, in which I have lived pretty much my whole life. Although there are few places to eat here besides the infamous McDonald’s and run-down Sonic, it sure is a pretty cool town to call my own. One thing that I hold near and dear to my heart is the relationships I have built with my teachers over the years. They have encouraged me to strive for the successes I have today. I am top of my class as Valedictorian, Oklahoma and National Honor Society member, Class President for three consecutive years, Academic All-Star, Beta Club Vice President, Upward Bound member, selected as student of the month, chosen to partner a Special Olympics participant, a tutor in English, essay writing, and science courses, and many more honorary titles and achievements I am extremely proud of. I will close this chapter knowing I have done my best, shown my best, and been my best. I encourage every single reader to do the same. Be kind, understanding, courageous, and change the world your own way!
View the Okemah “Activities and Awards” publication and meet the other 2023 Academic All Stars. As well as, the 2021 and 2022 All Stars.
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521 South Woody Guthrie Blvd, Okemah, OK
Member since Feb 2024
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