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Colton Parish
My name is Colton James Parish. I am a senior at Okemah High School, and I plan to attend Oklahoma State University. I am pursuing a career in electrical engineering. Following my bachelor’s, I may decide to go for a graduate degree, but I am undecided as of now. In high school, I participated in football, basketball, powerlifting, track & field, beta club, and student council. I regularly donate blood, and I also help with the Okemah Little League. I was also awarded with All-Star by class in football for halfback.
My academics and athletics were always one of my top priorities. I believe with my hard work ethic and discipline, that I achieved the goals that I had set for myself. It has truly paid off in the long run. I have qualified for state in powerlifting and track multiple times, and, as I mentioned, received All-Star. As far as academics go, I was accepted into Oklahoma State University’s engineering program. This was my top priority. I worked hard to get that acceptance letter. Another academic goal included graduating high school with at least a 4.1 weighted GPA. While I haven’t graduated yet, I think it’s safe to say I have that one in the bag.
Overall, I am proud of myself and what I have achieved. I believe I have given myself a good reputation, and people know how strong my work ethic is. High school has truly been a blast, and a rollercoaster of emotions, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
View the Okemah “Activities and Awards” publication and meet the other 2023 Academic All Stars. As well as, the 2021 and 2022 All Stars.
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521 South Woody Guthrie Blvd, Okemah, OK
Member since Feb 2024
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