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Meet Ricky Capps with Master’s Voice

Meet Ricky Capps with Master’s Voice



About Ricky Capps


The founder and owner of Master’s Voice, Ricky Capps, is a privilege and an honor to know. Ricky has dedicated his life to that which God has undoubtedly called him. Ricky wears many hats, fulfilling the roles of preacher, boss, emcee, tenor, comic relief, and most importantly, friend.

Since the group’s inception, fans all over the country are amazed at this man’s passion night after night. Master’s Voice has a heart for souls because Ricky does. He has stated “When I die, if people can’t say that I reminded them of Jesus, then my life was in vain”. That perfectly sums up the way Ricky views his role in this ministry.

For booking information call Jerry Riley Promotions 918.716.5705

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521 South Woody Guthrie Blvd, Okemah, OK

Member since Feb 2024


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