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About Leon Everette
Leon Everette was born in Aiken SC. As a small boy he moved to Queens NY where he was raised. In 1968 while serving in the Navy in Viet Nam. Leon entered and won a Navy sponsored talent contest. This was the beginning of Leon’s music career.
After repeated trips to Nashville he got partnered with Carroll Fulmer of Orlando Records. His first record to make the top ten Billboard Charts was “Over”, leading to a recording contract with RCA in 1980, which garnered Leon with 11 straight top ten records. One of those songs being “Hurricane” which peaked at #1 was so popular in Louisiana that he served as the Grand Marshall of Mardi Gras. Leon’s international success and popularity then led him to being one of the first country artists to perform in Italy and London England at Wembley Stadium. With “New Male Vocalist” of the year in 1981, and the biggest selling record of the year in 1983, “Give Me What You think Is Fair” his band was honored with Traveling Band of the year in 1983.
Leon’s strongest attribute was his high energy on stage when performing live with the energy of a “Hurricane”. In 1997, Everette came to know the Lord Jesus Christ. He has since devoted his life to the Lord and his church. He and his lovely wife Diane are mainstays in their church located in Aiken SC, much to the delight of those who loved his music. Now touring and performing as a Country Gospel Music artist, he now produces in his own recording studio better known as “The Tool Shed” with several of his former musicians.
Early in 2016, Leon was invited back to Nashville by Jimmy Adams a long-standing business colleague, friend and now personal manager. Another long-time friend to the pair was Little David Wilkins, who wrote a gospel song “I Stand the Tallest When I’m down On My Knees”. Jimmy Adams, CEO of Jimmy Adams Media (JAM) thought this would make a phenomenal hit by pairing Little David and Leon together, which became a #1 hit on the charts for 5 weeks. This success has inspired Leon now taking off on his 2nd career. International and National concert performances, headlining in feature films and new for Leon, regularly scheduled television programming will once again bring Leon to the forefront in Country Gospel.
Leon says, “Now I’m Having More Fun with Jesus in My Band”. Leon today is cutting and singing his best music ever and his overall career is moving as fast stream as it did during his prime.
You can watch Leon’s videos and his new Sony contracted song on www.Itube247.com.
Visit Leon’s Website Click Here
About Sammy Sadler
In 1989, a critically-acclaimed newcomer to the country music fold, Sammy Sadler, had already charted several successful singles and was ready to release his first album on Evergreen Records when he was caught up in the assassination of then Cash Box chart-manager, Kevin Hughes, and a payola scandal that would bring down the magazine and rock the music industry.
Despite suffering a near-fatal gunshot wound that would require multiple surgeries to repair, Sadler remained under suspicion until the murder was solved thirteen long years later – by then, his career was dead, as well.
In March 9, 2004, Sadler attempted to reboot his career, releasing Hard On A Heart on the Tri label. The title track placed in the top-10 on the Texas Music Chart and went No. 1 in Europe for seven weeks, but produced lackluster results in the states. In 2009, Sadler released another album, Heart Shaped Like Texas on Audium Records, which transitioned to Koch Records and eventually sold to E1 Music. Despite rave reviews for singles “I’ll Always Have Denver,” and “No Place to Land,” E1 Music ultimately closed and Sadler’s recording career ended. Since that time, Sammy continued to play to fans with two successful tours-one with Doug Stone in 2012, and the other lasting from 2015-2016 with Ken Mellons and Jeff Carson called the “Taking the Country Back Tour.”
Record promoter Chuck Dixon, who was suspected of ordering the hit against Hughes, was reported to have died mysteriously in 2013, and triggerman Richard D’Antonio would die in prison in 2014. The passing of both provided a newly found confidence to Sadler, who had spent years looking over his shoulder as a result of PTSD.
In 2021 Sammy released his highly acclaimed album 1989 produced by Buddy Hyatt, which featured duets with country hitmakers T. Graham Brown, Marty Rabon and Larry Stewart. Sammy’s reemergence was featured in exclusives with People Magazine and Newsmax. Sadler was also featured and shared his new music and story of personal triumph with WSMV’s Today In Nashville, Fox 17’s “Rock n’ Review” and The Dr. Ward Bond Show.
Sammy’s new album will be tentatively released in 2024. The single, Louisiana Rain, was released in May of 2022. His latest single, Everything’s Gonna Be Alright, was released in February 2023.
Visit Sammy’s Website Click Here
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